I was lazy last night, couldn't face the idea of cooking dinner and ordered pizza. There is a Bikram studio and a number of studios offering hot yoga nearby so i'm seriously considering starting classes once i get through the shred. I adored the way it made me feel but hated how expensive it is. I've also been checking out some websites for hot yoga, i tried Bikram a few years ago and loved/hated it. It appears that the shred is generally tough on the knees so will have to bite the bullet and buy a new pair of trainers. The day after I first tried Level 1, it hurt to sit down or walk, as my thighs were killing me after all of those squats and lunges. I asked yesterday about knees and shin splints and two lovely readers were kind enough to give some advice/insight. This has been quite a challenging workout to follow. I was curious and watched level two to see what was in store. I did The Shred exclusively for the first three weeks and watched what I ate for the most part. During the first 31 days, I missed only one day due to being sick. Thanks to my experience, many people have been asking about my 30 Day Shred results. I'm thankful for this as i'm starting to get bored with doing the same thing every day. I have been doing The Shred for a month and a half. It's difficult to believe that i'm halfway through level one. It takes 20 minutes to burn 160 to 236 calories, depending on your weight. Phew, today was tough but i feel really good. ’30 Day Shred Level 2 with Jillian Michaels combines circuit training with extreme conditioning exercises. The bicycle crunches are still difficult but slowly getting easier as i'm concentrating on coordination!ĭay five. Form is important with exercise and it's better to do 5 of something correctly than 10 of an incorrect move. It sounds silly but now that i'm familiar with the Level 1 routine, i'm putting emphasis on ensuring i'm doing each exercise right. I find that this works best for me but it may not be the case for someone else. I now try to take 1-2 days per week off to let muscles/tendons/etc rest. I've managed to resist the insane cravings for chocolate and cake also:)Ī question that pops up a lot about the shred is consistency-do 30 continuous days or take breaks? When i started my plan was to do 30 days straight through however i've learnt that it's important to listen to my body. I'm PMSing like mad at the moment and am bloated so have started taking evening primrose oil.

I got some good news yesterday which will mean i'm going to be much busier from here on in so will be making a concentrated effort to continue shredding. This is how I explained it to people - basically, hold yourself in a plank position for 20+ minutes However, it did get easier by day 10 and I was very proud of myself that by the end I could manage. I was away for the long weekend and today is the first day i've had time to myself i.e time to shred. The first time I did 30 day shred (last summer) I HATED level 2 and thought it was WAY harder than level 3 (or any of the levels in Ripped in 30.